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Financial Planning & Investment Management

Financial Planning & Investment Management

Meenes Wealth Partners provides fee-only, individualized financial planning and investment management services to a select group of sales professionals and executives both locally in the greater Worcester and Shrewsbury, MA areas and virtually across the country.

During the discovery process, we focus on really getting to know you beyond the financial statements and accounts. What makes you tick? What are your dreams, passions, and priorities? How do you live your life, and how do you wishto live it? 

Provided with an understanding of what’s important to you, we can begin designing a financial plan and implementing an investment strategy that will help you get where you want to be. This process may include some, or all, of the following, depending on your personal situation:

  • Retirement planning, cash flow and budget analysis
  • Investment portfolio management and analysis
  • Insurance and risk management review
  • Estate planning review
  • Tax planning strategies
  • Education funding strategies
  • Mortgage analysis and refinancing decisions
  • Employee benefit plan review

Toward the end of the planning process, an investment strategy will be finalized. We will create and share with you an explicit Investment Policy Statement that we will use to drive the portfolio’s implementation and monitor its progress over time. This continuous monitoring will ensure the portfolio remains balanced and appropriately diversified.

Meenes Wealth Partners recognizes that not all clients have the same needs—some financial plans and accompanying investment approaches are more in-depth and introduce greater financial complexity. While we conduct regular plan and portfolio reviews with every client, the frequency of meetings and scope of work will be tailored to suit each client’s needs. 

As a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), Meenes Wealth Partners adheres to the fiduciary standard and has signed NAPFA’s Fiduciary Oath. We are compensated exclusively by the client and do not receive any other compensation or remuneration that is contingent on the purchase or sale of a financial product.