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4 Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement Thumbnail

4 Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement

Despite the fundamental shift over the past two decades in how people save for retirement, research shows that one of the best ways you can support an expected standard of living in retirement remains the same: Save early in your career, save more as your annual income increases, and build a framework to monitor your progress.

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Part 2 of 2: Six Life Principles That Also Apply to Investing Thumbnail

Part 2 of 2: Six Life Principles That Also Apply to Investing

Investing isn't just about chasing returns; it's about empowering your future. By integrating these life lessons into your investment journey, you can build a plan that reflects your values, withstands uncertainty, and ultimately, helps you live a richer, more fulfilling life. Remember, the best investment strategy is the one that aligns with your unique goals and empowers you to make informed decisions, even when the future seems unclear.

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Uncertainty Is Underrated Thumbnail

Uncertainty Is Underrated

For many people, uncertainty is something to avoid or at least mitigate. But what about the positive things that uncertainty can bring? Without it, there would be no surprises, no joy in watching sports, and no 10% average annualized return on the stock market over the past century. Regardless of what level of risk feels right, you should invest and be prepared for a range of outcomes.

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5 Important Financial Goals for the New Year Thumbnail

5 Important Financial Goals for the New Year

Goals can be more challenging to set if you have difficulty envisioning the rewards that come with financial stability. Make this the time you take control of your finances and get on the right track for a more financially stable future. Organizing your finances can be daunting, but setting a few...

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Unraveling the Pitfalls of Target Date Funds Thumbnail

Unraveling the Pitfalls of Target Date Funds

Target Date Funds (TDFs) have surged in popularity as a hassle-free investment option, especially for retirement planning. However, beneath the surface lies a set of significant drawbacks that investors should scrutinize. This article discusses the four key pitfalls you should seriously consider before investing in TDFs for your retirement.

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